* 2023 Spirit of Fringe Award Winners
* Glam Gam’s Peter Pansexual makes history as the highest grossing Fringe Montréal show of all time!
Glam Gam Productions - burlesque and vaudeville performance collective

2023 Festival St-Ambroise Fringe de Montréal
May 30th – June 16, 2023, Café Cléopâtre, 1230 St. Laurent Blvd.
Festival St-Ambroise Fringe de Montréal 2023
40 years ago on a steamy summer night, the wholesome family musical Grease was released, perpetuating gender stereotypes and reinforcing the idea that women should change themselves to gain men’s love.
In Glam Gam’s queer parody Greasy: A Lesbian Love Story, The Pink Tacos welcome Essex ex-pat Winter Valentine to Sacred Ladies of United Trinity (S.L.U.T.) School for Girls. She is reunited with Christmas fling Dani Foucault but discovers she’s a fake and a phoney. The Derby Dykes strive to defeat the evil D.I.C. (Disciples of the Immaculate Conception) School for Boys in a drag race against the Fagettes.
Written by Montreal’s raunchiest and smuttiest playwrights, this hilarious satire re-writes classic hits while exploring themes of polyamory (“One of the Ones That I Want”), homosexuality (“Winter Dykes”), and consent (“Born to Hand Job”). Greasy: A Lesbian Love Story opens at Café Cléopâtre on May 30th, 2023. Tickets on sale now.
This year at Festival St-Ambroise Fringe de Montréal,
Greasy’s the L- word, baby!
Directors: Sherri Levesque & Michael J. McCarthy
Stage Manager: Lulu Les Belles Mirettes; Light/Sound Tech: Tracey Waddleton
Dance Choreographer: Debbie Friedmann; Fight Choreographer: Paul de Tourreil
Vocal Coach: Christina Ainsworth; Venue Manager: Twiggy Saint Skookum
LED Artist: Charity Stolarz; Band: The Firing Squad
Graphic Designer: Booze Crotch; Web Designer: Tracey Waddleton
Photographers: Twiggy Saint Skookum, Patrick Pluviose
Tickets on sale now!
Download the press kit!
Teaser – Dani & Winter
“… an inspiring blend of acting, burlesque, comedy, dancing, opera singing, gymnastics, music, vaudeville, and lap dances!”
– CLJO 1690 AM Montréal
Photos by Twiggy Saint Skookum, Design by Booze Crotch

Magenta Haze

Rusty Jameson

Darragh Mondouxxx

Misty Portugal

Phoenix Wood

Tessa J. Brown

Booze Crotch & Slutzy

Tony Bravo

Les Izmohr

Spoopy Patootie

Michael J. McCarthy

Dat Missus
Voted one of Montréal’s Top 5 Theatre Companies
– CultMTL 2017
Have you met the Glamily?
“They are campy, salty, earthy,
balls-and-tits-and-clits out, and brave.”
– Montreal Rampage
About Glam Gam Productions
Glam Gam Productions is a Montreal-based queer performance collective also known as ‘The Glamily’. Tits The Season…To Be Naughty debuted in December 2009 and this campy-yet-conscious ensemble has been titillating audiences at historic Café Cléopâtre ever since.
Glam Gam shows combine music, dance, nudity and vaudeville in the most creative ways possible using smutty, sticky and glittery tactics. Our aim is to redefine sexiness outside of the standards of heteronormative beauty. Different shapes, sizes, genders and sexualities are celebrated on stage and in the crowd.
See videos of Glam Gam’s past shows!
Check out our new Patreon account and help us stay creative!
Join us on Facebook for the latest news & events!
See extra show photos and troupe promo material!
Email Glam Gam Productions
Do not take and send actor's dick pic: Due to a leak, Broadway is cracking down on audience members using their phones to share pictures
In the same week that the Broadway show Take Me Out garnered four Tony Award nominations, a leak of Jesse Williams' entire naked performance, captured on a theatergoer's smartphone during a playtime, drove the theatre world into a frenzy.You should understand that there are some rules for how to take and send dick pics and not get sued. If you want to know more rules on how to send dic pic correctly, look for the article here - https://my.club/blog/how-to-take-dick-pics/.BAREOKE! (Karaoke Strip Tease!)
The lovechild of our 2 favourite passtimes, singing and getting naked in public, Bareoke is the ultimate activity for exhibitionists, voyeurs and karaoke aficionados alike!
One of Montréal’s best kept secrets, Bareoke takes place on the first Saturday of every month at historic Café Cléopâtre, which comes equipped with a large stage, a smoke machine and crazy lighting which allows people to take their performances to the next level! In order to make this event as much fun as possible it is important for us to maintain a comfortable and safe space where consent is always sexy!
We are thrilled to have performers of all different backgrounds, ages, body types, gender identities and sexualities. Some people will take off just a sock, others will get down to their skivvies and a lot of brave souls prance around in their birthday suits! The best part is that everyone respects and encourages each other’s boundaries with little to no policing on our part.
Come see what all the fuss is about!
“People saw my boobs, but they also felt my transformation.” – Katelyn Spidle, VICE